Betalight b.v is the leading supplier of Gaseous Tritium Lightsources (GTLS also known as Betalights) and Gaseous TritiumLight Devices. (GTLD) Betalight b.v. provides Tritium illumination forover 600 Nato stock numbers / weapon systems like Gun sights, mortarsights and aiming point lamps to the leading weapon manufacturers ofthe world. Betalights are unique, providing a highly reliable andcontinuous light source throughout a long service life of 15 yearswithout the need for any kind of electrical power.Betalight b.v. NATO Cage code H1U51NAMSA
Trade Capacity
Drosteweg 20, Putten, Netherlands |
Response Rate | Response Time | Rating | Reviews |
46.4% | 24h-48h | 4.7/5 | 5 Reviews |