BN PAK Instruments
Business Nature
Sialkot, Pakistan
Main Products
Medical Hospital Furniture / Surgical Instruments
About BN PAK Instruments
Manufacturer-Cum-Exporter of all type of Hospital Furniture Stainless Steel / Hollowware / Surgical & Dental Instruments. EXPORT REG. No.W/011798. NTN-*******-9 Dear Sir, We feel immense pleasure to introduce ourselves that over 10 years BN PAK Instruments has been devoted to providing their customers with the highest quality mainly Manufacturing-Cum-Exporting Hospital Furniture, Stainless Steel / Medical Hollowware / Surgical and Dental instruments. BN PAK Instruments is committed to provide you with the highest quality instruments. We are the original equipment’s manufacturer (OEM) for all above mention instruments. Our production depth covers thousands of instruments ranging from the typical instruments use in clinic to sophisticated instruments required during surgeries. We deem, however, pertinent to submit further that the range and scope of our production activities is not limited to our production literature. We can produce instruments even if not depicted in our online catalogues. We receive samples, photos or references from the world renowned Companies catalogues. QUALITY/INNOVATION:- At BN PAK Instruments the quality is set in motion through motivated specifications planning by trained technical persons. The computer added design and imaging provide visual instruments a set configuration. This simplifies each aspect of instruments manufacturing. QUALITY/CERTIFICATIONS:- We are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016, CE MARK, CGMP approved. COMMITMENT:- BN PAK commitment is to meet the changing needs of healthcare systems and to lead the industry by providing quality HOSPITAL FURNITURE / HOLLOWWARE /Surgical & Dental instruments at competitive price. We understand the diverse needs of our customers and know that quality along with delivery time are the most important and common requirements of our customers from both segments. This Realization allows us to serve our customers in the most efficient and cost effective manners. Wish you all the Best. BN PAKIstruments Team Mr.Babur Khan (M. Director). Head Office:- 15/68 Haji Pura, Sialkot - Pakistan. Factory Address:- CHHOWNI SULEHRIAN SIALKOT-51310-Pakistan.
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