Chongqing Eggen Technology Co., Ltd


Member Since: 2019
Chongqing, China

Business Nature



Chongqing, China

Main Products

Clutch disc, Motorcycle Clutch Assembly, Weight Shoe

About Chongqing Eggen Technology Co., Ltd

FCC is the only clutch assembly manufacturer that maintains comprehensive product development and manufacturing systems encompassing everything from development of friction material to assembly. Based on this only FCC can provide world-class products to the market. FCC realizes the significance of conducting trial event manufacturing, testing and on through production start. FCC can quickly respond to its customer's requests and propose better products beyond expectations at competitive prices. FCC continues to develop new technology in the automotive field with the highest priority being on friction material. FCC has an extensive friction material catalog that covers automotive, powersports and power equipment. FCC continues to develop new friction materials for future applications. FCC has the ability to develop and produce a custom friction material to be used within a customer requested specific product. Motorcycles Clutches 1. Wet-type multi-disc clutches for dual clutch transmissions 2. Wet-type multi-disc assisted and slipper clutches 3. Wet-type centrifugal clutches 4. Dry centrifugal clutches 5. Pulleys for belt converters 6. Clutches for racing Automobiles Clutches 1. Wet-type multi-disc double clutches (6, 200 to 6, 700 cc) 2. Wet-type multi-disc type triple clutches (3, 200 to 3, 500 cc) 3. Wet-type multi-disc type double clutches (660 to 3, 500 cc) CVT clutches 1. Starting clutches for CVTs (1, 100 to 1, 700 cc) 2. Forward clutches (2, 000 to 2, 400 cc) Torque Convertor Lockup Clutches 1. Lockup clutches for torque converters (660 to 3, 500 cc) 2. Lockup clutches for torque converters (3, 000 to 3, 700 cc) Manual Transmission Clutches 1. Push-type dry single-disc clutches (660 to 2, 400 cc) 2. Pull-type dry single-disc clutches (2, 200 cc) Clutches for 4WD Vehicles � 4WD changeover differential clutches (1, 300 to 3, 000 cc) General Purpose Clutches � FCCTRAC� � Hydraulic Static Transmission (HST)

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To: Vicky Chen < Chongqing Eggen Technology Co., Ltd >

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's

You can send your inquiry to us about the products. Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hours to assist you regarding your inquiry.
You can expect a reply from Chongqing Eggen Technology Co., Ltd within 24h.
We offer an implied warranty that assures all our products and services function in the manner designed to.
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We will begin manufacturing when we receive the agreed upon advance payment. The package will be shipped out after we get your full payment.
Throughout the packing process, preventive measures will be taken so that the goods are in an excellent condition while in transit.
Vicky Chen
Chongqing, China, Chongqing, Chongqing, China
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