hoho lens
HOHO LENS is one of the biggest color contact lens wholesaler and distributer.we have big color contact lens stock with all different types of color contact lens we are selling.Our brand:hoho, geo, neo, barbie eye, eva, vivian, mimo, candy, queenie, fresh look contact lens, crazy contact lens Price:our price is very competive cause we are partner of one big color contact lens manufactory.wholesale price can be different from $1.25/pair to $11.5/pair with different types and different quantity.Service:we supply 24hour 7 day online service, we belive good service all the time.Quality:every pair of color contact lens will examined before sent
Trade Capacity
Danxi 2nd Zone,Beiyuan Subdistrict ,Yiwu city,Zhejiang,China |
Response Rate | Response Time | Rating | Reviews |
79% | 48h-72h | 2.3/5 | 50 Reviews |