Buyer card for diamond importer
Name: Raphael Address: South Africa Country: South Africa Email: ra********e@ya** Mobile: 27-0***4340 Buying Products: diamond Import Country: South Africa
Buy diamond importer
Name: Solace Ntim Email: ******ntim@******com Mobile: ************* Buying Products: Diamond Country: Ghana Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamond importer
Name: ARUN Address: India Country: India Email: iw********t@gm** Mobile: 91-8***2264 Buying Products: DIAMOND Import Country: India
Buyer card for diamond importer
Name: Dileep Address: Sri Lanka Country: Sri Lanka Email: bi**************n@gm** Mobile: 94-0***9782 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Sri Lanka
Buyer card for diamond importer
Name: Neilh Address: India Country: India Email: sh*****n@gm** Mobile: 9180***233 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: India
Rough diamonds importer
This is a tray of carat-sized round brilliant diamonds as an typical example of our products. We serves rough diamonds and polished diamonds of all kinds. There are plenty of diamonds for our clients to choose from and produce their diamond jewellery like diamond rings [...]
Buyer card for diamonds buyer
Name: rehman Address: India Country: India Email: si******r@gm** Mobile: 91-9***1684 Buying Products: diamonds Import Country: India
Buyer card for diamonds buyer
Name: josephat Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: kb*******a@gm** Mobile: 254-***2678 Buying Products: diamonds Import Country: Kenya
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Agoot Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: ag*******r@gm** Mobile: 254-***0188 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Kenya
Required good quality diamond
Name: yawovi tsevi Email: ******tseviattitso5@*****.com Mobile: ******654915 Buying Products: DIAMOND Country: UAE DIAMOND AALIAH DIAMOND
Looking for diamond
Name: Member Email: ******costantinho@*****.com Mobile: ******833465 Buying Products: Diamond Country: Tanzania Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Abdul Address: Guinea Country: Guinea Email: ab******1@gm** Mobile: 224-***2097 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Guinea
Anyone selling diamonds
Name: Charlie Email : ******yanand@*****.com Mobile: *****5706 Buying Products : Diamonds Country: India Diamonds Diamonds
I require diamonds
Name: Member Email: ******w52@*****.com Mobile: ************* Buying Products: diamonds Country: UK diamonds diamonds
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Honest Address: Tanzania Country: Tanzania Email: ho**************o@gm** Mobile: 2556***465 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Tanzania
Buyer card for diamond
Name: wondimagegn Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: wo*******e@gm** Mobile: 2519***722 Buying Products: DIAMOND Import Country: Ethiopia
Looking to purchase diamond
Looking to purchase Diamond please quote your best price want shipment of Diamond in Ghana need supplier from China . Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Sipho Address: South Africa Country: South Africa Email: Si**o@fa***** Mobile: 27-7***708 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: South Africa
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Jb Address: India Country: India Email: Jb*****9@gm** Mobile: 919***9933 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: India
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Muhammad Address: Islamabad Capital Territory, Islamabad, Pakistan Country: Pakistan Email: na**************1@gm** Mobile: 9233***511 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Pakistan
Want diamond
Name: Yiannakos Theodossiou Email: ******kos@***** Mobile: *************4 Buying Products: Diamond Country: UK Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Chrtabel Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: ch*********o@gm** Mobile: 2547***210 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Kenya
I am looking for diamond
Name: Steven Paul Email: ******n372@*****.com Mobile: ******9228 Buying Products: Diamond Country: South Africa Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: WONDIMAGEGN TADELE Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: WO*********0@gm** Mobile: 2519***273 Buying Products: diamonds Import Country: Ethiopia
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Berhanu Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: Be*****u@gm** Mobile: 251-*** Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Ethiopia
Please send me.quotes and shipping to Sydney australiawhatsapp +*******7350 diamond rough diamond polished diampnd
Any supplier who can provide diamonds
Name: Dr. Umar Email: ******6@*****.com Mobile: ******375056 Buying Products: Diamonds Country: India Diamonds Diamonds
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Xhulio Address: UK Country: UK Email: xh***********0@gm** Mobile: 4475***620 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: UK
Rough diamonds
Name: Yazid Kadoussi Email : ******ducci@*****.com Mobile: ***********7 Buying Products : gold bars, gold dust, rough diamonds, uncut diamonds Country: France diamonds gold bars, gold dust, rough diamonds, uncut diamonds
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: jacobina Address: Namibia Country: Namibia Email: uu*************1@gm** Mobile: 2640***1521 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Namibia
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Victor Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: Vi********o@gm** Mobile: 254-***0833 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Kenya
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Rustam Address: Russia Country: Russia Email: ru***************7@ma* Mobile: 7-95***524 Buying Products: diamonds Import Country: Russia
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Adebamibo Address: France Country: France Email: Ad*w@li* Mobile: 3306***406 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: France
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: james Smith Address: Iowa, Buffalo, USA Country: USA Email: Nb********9@gm** Mobile: 1753***03 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: USA
I need company to supply diamonds
Name: WONDIMAGEGN TADELE Email: ******DELE90@*****.com Mobile: ******598273 Buying Products: diamonds Country: Ethiopia diamonds diamonds
I am looking for diamond
Name: VASU Email: ******yavasu35@*****.com Mobile: ******380988 Buying Products: DIAMOND Country: India DIAMOND DIAMOND
I want to buy diamonds
Name: Hamis kivamba Email: ******teng9@*****.com Mobile: *************95 Buying Products: Diamonds Country: Tanzania Diamonds Diamonds
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Geleta Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: ge*******o@gm** Mobile: 2510***9155 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Ethiopia
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Ibrahim Address: Tanzania Country: Tanzania Email: ib************2@gm** Mobile: 2552***7295 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: Tanzania
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Jose Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: jb********0@gm** Mobile: 254-***2678 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Kenya
Looking for diamond
Name: Chirag Asodariya Email: ******asodariya8466@*****.com Mobile: ******95795 Buying Products: Diamond Country: India Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Tyler Address: Kenya Country: Kenya Email: ma*********6@gm** Mobile: 2540***3958 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Kenya
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Mwende Address: UAE Country: UAE Email: mk*****a@gm** Mobile: 971-***2971 Buying Products: diamonds Import Country: UAE
Buy rough diamonds
I would need to know that the chain is low, that there is a manifest and that the whole procedure can be through Malca Amit or Brinks in any major European or American city. As for the type of diamonds, the buyer would be open and that is why we would need a manifest [...]
Need to buy diamond
Name: Nat Yawson Email : ******ezyy@*****.com Mobile: *****5919 Buying Products : Diamond Country: Ghana Diamond Diamond
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Peter Address: Uganda Country: Uganda Email: ps*****a@gm** Mobile: 256-***2641 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Uganda
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Raj Address: India Country: India Email: th*******2@gm** Mobile: 91-9***9896 Buying Products: Diamond Import Country: India
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Jaime Address: Brazil Country: Brazil Email: ja*******1@gm** Mobile: 55-1***4034 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Brazil
Buyer card for diamonds
Name: Sanket Address: Ukraine Country: Ukraine Email: sa****************0@gm** Mobile: 380***9536 Buying Products: Diamonds Import Country: Ukraine
Buyer card for diamond
Name: Maruwana Address: Zimbabwe Country: Zimbabwe Email: ma**************n@gm** Mobile: 2637***833 Buying Products: diamond Import Country: Zimbabwe
Request for Quotation
Are you looking for the best Diamond importers and buyers? ExportHub has you covered. As a leading online B2B portal, we have ensured that you find the latest buy offers. With our help, you’ll never have to worry about getting your hands on your next order. Once you sign up and become our B2B member, you can connect with leading Diamond buyers and importers to experience.
- High buying frequency Diamond importers
- Attractive Preferred Prices
- Flexible Payment Terms
- Soaring Diamond quantity required
And much more…
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