21 Inch Lcd Computer, Fake Electronics, Dummy Props
New Products From This Supplier
Our is known for superiority in worldwide marketplace. Unquestionably the winsome and props, dummy televisions, displays, electronics products made in united states in cheap rates. Our company can supply good quality laptops, pc, mainframes & computers and many more united states props, dummy televisions, displays, electronics products, as they are a famous manufacturer. Our company is a finest enterprise in united states that is exporting all over the world.
Business Nature
No. Employees
11 - 50 People
Year Established
Annual Turnover
Approx 0.5 Billion US Dollar
Palo Alto, United States
Main Products
Props, Dummy Televisions, Displays, Electronics...
Legal Status
Own Lisence
Payment Terms
Bank wire (T/T)
PropTVs.com LLC is one of the topmost Manufacturer making Furniture & Supplies and many more United States props, dummy televisions, displays, electronics products. The office of PropTVs.com LLC is placed in Palo Alto United States. PropTVs.com LLC is a well-known enterprise in United States that is exporting transnationally. PropTVs.com LLC Information Name:
Address: Palo Alto
Country: United States
Main Products: props, dummy televisions, displays, electronics
Export Focus: Worldwide
Production Lines: 0