
Abstract Oil Paintings

Selling Price: USD 59.94 / Piece
Minimum Order Quantity:  20 Piece
Shipment Delivery Time:  4-5 Business Days
Shipment Port:  China
Currency Options:  CNY,USD
Language Support:   English, Chinese
Certification:  Inquire
Production Capacity: High
Primary Business:  Manufacturer
Packaging:  Standard
Preferred Payment Method:
Abstract Oil Paintings Details

Non-formula Art Co., Ltd is one of the top Abstract Oil Paintings Manufacturer and Manufacturer in the world. They are currently manufacturing and exporting high-quality art gift. In this competitive global industry, a company should have an adaptive nature to fulfill the ever-changing demands of potential customers. In addition to that, they must also be open to accepting the latest trends, new fashion, and the ability to acquire the latest technology. To achieve all our goals and stay on track, we have managed to set up a state of the art manufacturing plant which can generate an output of High Piece. In addition, we have also hired a team of professional and experienced executives to handle the complexity and delicacy of producing the perfect within a price range of 59.94 per Piece. We assure you that all orders are completed within 4-5 Business Days. We receive payments through T/T, MoneyGram and currencies like CNY,USD are all acceptable.

About Non-formula Art Co., Ltd
Business Type: Manufacturer
Country / Region: Guangdong, China
Main Products: Art Gift...
Total Annual Revenue: Approx 5 Million US Dollar
Year of Establishment: 1970
Certificates: TL9000
Main Markets: Bangladesh 17%, Bulgaria 20%, China 25%, Hong Kong 17%, India 10%, Ireland 11%,
Abstract Oil Paintings Features

Country of Origin

Made in India



Is It Frame Included

Frame Included

Is It Waterproof






Type Of Frame


Business Nature


No. Employees

51 - 100 People

Year Established


Annual Turnover

Approx 5 Million US Dollar


Shenzhen, China

Main Products

Art Gift...

Legal Status

Own Lisence

Payment Terms

Bank wire (T/T), Doc Against Payment (D/P), Doc Against Acceptance (D/A), MoneyGram

About Non-formula Art Co., Ltd

Non-formula Art Co., Ltd can offer best quality Architecture & Interiors and many other China art gift products, as they are a recognized Manufacturer. The manufactory of Non-formula Art Co., Ltd is placed in shenzhen Guangdong China. Non-formula Art Co., Ltd is a famous enterprise in China that is exporting worldwide. Non-formula Art Co., Ltd Details Name: carol zhang

Address: shenzhen Guangdong

Country: China

Main Products: art gift

Export Focus: Worldwide

Production Lines: 0

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To: Abstract Oil Paintings
From China
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Business Type:
, Guangdong , Shenzhen , China

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