Dome Camera Cctv Camera Security Camera
New Products From This Supplier
Our is identified for excellence in universal marketplace. We are rolling out in worldwide marketplace with economical prices for and cctv camera, ir bullet camera, dvr, dome camera, security camera, surveillance camera, mini camera, high speed dome products manufactured in china. Our company can supply best quality cctv, surveillance systems and parts and many other china cctv camera, ir bullet camera, dvr, dome camera, security camera, surveillance camera, mini camera, high speed dome products, as they are a recognized manufacturer. Our company is extending its operations in china.
Brand |
Sony |
Camera Range |
10 to 15 m |
Camera Resolution |
1.3 MP |
Camera Technology |
Digital Camera |
Country of Origin |
Made in India |
Max. Camera Resolution |
Other |
Max. Image Resolution |
1280 x 720 |
Sensor |
Shape |
Dome%28Indoor%29 |
Business Nature
No. Employees
Fewer than 5
Year Established
Annual Turnover
Approx 2 Million US Dollar
Shenzhen, China
Main Products
Cctv Camera...
Legal Status
Own Lisence
Payment Terms
Bank wire (T/T), Doc Against Acceptance (D/A), Credit Card (CC), PayPal
Becko Security Co., Ltd. is one of the renowned Manufacturer delivering Security, Safety System & Service and other China CCTV Camera, IR Bullet Camera, DVR, Dome Camera, Security Camera, Surveillance Camera, Mini Camera, High Speed Dome products. The headquarter of Becko Security Co., Ltd. is situated in Shenzhen Guangdong China. Becko Security Co., Ltd. is a leading organization situated in China. Becko Security Co., Ltd. Details Name: May Hu
Address: Shenzhen Guangdong
Country: China
Main Products: CCTV Camera, IR Bullet Camera, DVR, Dome Camera, Security Camera, Surveillance Camera, Mini Camera, High Speed Dome
Export Focus: Worldwide
Production Lines: 0