Emergency Mobile Phone Charger
New Products From This Supplier
Our is identified for standard in domestic market. Available in economical rates, our and emergence mobile phone charger products are completed in united states. Our company is one of the renowned manufacturer supplying sewing,knitting & embroidery machine and many more united states emergence mobile phone charger products. Our company is a finest organization in united states that is operating transnationally.
Business Nature
No. Employees
Fewer than 5
Year Established
Annual Turnover
Approx 2 Million US Dollar
Washington, United States
Main Products
Emergence Mobile Phone Charger...
Legal Status
Third Party
Payment Terms
Bank wire (T/T)
Premier Partners can supply best quality Industrial Plants, Machinery & Equipment and many other United States emergence mobile phone charger products, as they are a renowned Manufacturer. The manufactory of Premier Partners is placed in WASHINGTON United States. Premier Partners is a finest firm in United States that is trading globally. Premier Partners Information Name: Patrick
Country: United States
Main Products: emergence mobile phone charger
Year Established: 2011
Export Focus: China, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Kenya
Estimated Employees: 201 - 300 People
Registered Capital: US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
Ownership Status: Corporation Limited Liability Company
Export Percentage: 81% - 90%
Factory Size: Above 100, 000 square meters
Production Lines: 8
Research Team Size: 11 - 50 People
Contract Services: OEM Service Offered