
Introduction Of China-europe Trains-warehouse Delivery Service Of Yiwu-moscow Minsk Railway Line, Russia

Selling Price: USD 12000usd / China-Europe trains-warehouse
Minimum Order Quantity:  1 China-Europe trains-warehouse
Shipment Delivery Time:  11
Shipment Port:  Inquire
Currency Options:  Inquire
Language Support:   English
Certification:  Inquire
Production Capacity: 111111111111 China-Europe trains-warehouse
Primary Business:  Manufacturer
Packaging:  11111111111
Preferred Payment Method:
Introduction Of China-Europe Trains-warehouse Delivery Service Of Yiwu-Moscow Minsk Railway Line, Russia Details

Tianhan Supply Chain Management Company was founded in Chengdu, and has branches in Yiwu, Chengdu, Moscow, Shenzhen, Jinan and so on. In order to provide better services to our customers, we will create more branches in Belarus, north and south of China.

Since its foundation, considering the expansion of the market of the Belt and Road countries as the main field of activity, we have been constantly increasing container transportation through rail transportation of goods between China and Europe, and container rail transportation of goods between China and Russia. Our company specializes in customs clearance of container cargo transportation and container cargo transportation on the way back between China and the CIS countries, including Russia and Belarus.
Due to the fact that we respond to customer requests around the clock, and provide them with quality services, our company has won their trust. More and more clients engaged in trade between China and Russia prefer to choose our services. Currently, we have established long-term and stable cooperation relations with almost 50 foreign agencies in more than ten countries and regions, including Russia, Belarus, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.


About Chengdu Tianhan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.
Business Type: Manufacturer
Country / Region: Fujian, China
Main Products: One Belt One Road...
Total Annual Revenue: Not Provided
Year of Establishment: Not Provided
Business Nature



Fuzhou, China

Main Products

One Belt One Road...

About Chengdu Tianhan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.


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高新区世纪城路 , Anhui , Fuzhou , China

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