Pinion Stands
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Our is identified for superiority in domestic marketplace. Undeniably the winsome and rolling mill machinery,shearing macmines,pinch rolls,gear boxes,pinion stands,straighting machines,gear couplings etc products prepared in india in cheap rates. If you are exploring for a finest india rolling mill machinery,shearing macmines,pinch rolls,gear boxes,pinion stands,straighting machines,gear couplings etc products manufacturer that has speciallized in gearbox, axle, sprocket & gear parts, then Our company is the wonderful option. Our company is a famous enterprise in india that is operating all over the world.
I deal in |
New and Second Hand |
Is It Rust Proof |
Non Rust Proof |
Business Nature
No. Employees
51 - 100 People
Year Established
Annual Turnover
US$10 Million - US$50 Million
New Delhi, India
Main Products
Rolling Mill Machinery, Shearing Macmines, Pinch Rolls, Gear Boxes, Pinion Stands, Straighting Machi...
Legal Status
Have Own Export License
Payment Terms
Bank wire (T/T), Letter of Credit (L/C), MoneyGram, Credit Card (CC), PayPal, Western Union (WU), Cash, Escrow
J C Steel Products can supply best quality Hand & Machine Tools and various other India Rolling Mill Machinery, Shearing Macmines, Pinch Rolls, Gear Boxes, Pinion Stands, Straighting Machines, Gear Couplings etc products, as they are a famous Exporter. The manufactory of J C Steel Products is positioned in 73-Sector-23-A, Khanna Side New Delhi Delhi 147301 India. J C Steel Products is a finest organization in India that is dealing in multinational market. J C Steel Products Information Name: Manvir
Address: 73-Sector-23-A, Khanna Side New Delhi Delhi 147301
Country: India
Main Products: Rolling Mill Machinery, Shearing Macmines, Pinch Rolls, Gear Boxes, Pinion Stands, Straighting Machines, Gear Couplings etc
Year Established: 2012
Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Thailand
Estimated Employees: 3-5 Employees
Registered Capital: US$1 Million
Ownership Status: Private Limited
Export Percentage: 51% - 60%
Factory Size: 30, 000-50, 000 square meters
Production Lines: 10
Research Team Size: 5 - 10 People
Contract Services: Design Service Offered