
Steel Chain Roller Skids Works For Machinery Moving Rigging Services

Selling Price: USD 4500 / SET
Minimum Order Quantity:  1 SET
Shipment Delivery Time:  QINDAO
Shipment Port:  QINDAO
Currency Options:  4500
Language Support:   ENGLISH
Certification:  Inquire
Production Capacity: High
Primary Business:  Manufacturer
Packaging:  COTTON
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Steel Chain Roller Skids Works For Machinery Moving Rigging Services Details

Load moving roller skids have three kinds of wheels material choice. One is PU wheels which will use on cement floor with no hurt your floor. the second one is alloy steel wheel, on the floor must be put steel plate to protect your ground. The other one is nylon wheels which feature is between both of PU wheels and alloy steel wheels.

About Shandong Finer Lifting Tools Co.,ltd
Business Type: Manufacturer
Country / Region: Shandong, China
Main Products: Aircaster...
Total Annual Revenue: Not Provided
Year of Establishment: Not Provided
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Shizilu, China

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About ShanDong Finer Lifting Tools Co.,LTD

Heavy duty load rollers for heavy haulers Machine roller for machinery installers Machinery Movers Riggers pictures and instruction Heavy Haulers moving tools with machine load skate Machinery Installers roller dolly skate instruction and pictures Cargo trolley price and instruction

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