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To whom it may concerns, We are a supplier to charities and NGOs all over the World and we have Long term arrangements with them like 2-3 years contract period with them. We appreciate if you could send us a catalog or photos of the various type of Solar-powered fan. So far our company needs 1,000 pieces Solar-powered fan; but we will order more. 1-Could you please give us Price of CIF (cost+freight+insurance) to Mersin – Turkey or İstanbul - Turkey? 2-What is the LEAD time for 1,000 pieces of Solar-powered fan to be delivered to Mersin – Turkey or İstanbul - Turkey? How many days later we can have all 1,000 pcs Solar-powered fan in our hand after the purchase order? We appreciate if you give us the best price in USD($) and lead time to be delivered to Mersin – Turkey or İstanbul - Turkey for various type of Solar-Powered Fan. ASAP! Thanks in advance! Yours sincerely, E. Erik Simsek ATAPOL LTD ATAPOL GIDA PLASTİK VE TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Web site: Phone : +90 324 231 95 30 Fax : +90 324 231 96 61 E-mail: *******@*****.com Mail:Kültür Mah.. 4303 Sokak, F.Mutlu Apt No:3, K:1 D:1 Zip code:33010, AKDENİZ /MERSİN - TURKEY