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Our company is an importing company in Brazil. We have a broad distribution of Art Board Gloss Paper(C2S) with basis weith 250g/m and size 660x960mm; and Two Side Coated Art Paper Gloss with basis weith 115g/m and size 660x960mm in south brazil market. But, we need import to Art Paper Gloss with basis weith 90g/m, 150g/m, 170g/m, 230g/m. Would you like to send us your best price, minimum order quantity, packing information, payment terms, and more other information if possible? Thanks in advance.We want to find the long-term supplier with high-quality and best price, and willing to conduct business as soon as possible.If you are interested in our company, please contact us:Rafaella Rebelo55-47-4101.4999 art paper gloss paper art board gloss