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A 2-part epoxy troweling compound for dielectric shielding for impressed current, cathodic protection systems and for general purpose repairs to metals, plastics, and woods. Size: a 3/4 gallon kit consisting of base resin and hardener packaged in separate containers. Shelf life code: 6 (2 years) Maximum age on delivery: 4 months U.S. Filter & Electrocatalytic Products Inc. part number Capastic 35524. ITEM MARKING Each item shall be marked with the following: (1) lot or batch number (2) shelf life monitoring data including dates of manufacture and reinspection or expiration (3) instructions for use, thinning, mixing, shaking, etc. (4) instructions for storage, i.e. do not freeze, requires refrigeration, etc. (5) each kit component shall be marked with the kit name and component part. (6) manufacturers name and part number (7) if applicable, the maximum volatile organic compound content (VOC), less water and exempt solvents, in lbs/gl or grams/liter. (8) if the item is on an existing contract, the supplier shall follow the pre-arranged California South Coast Air Quality Management District labeling requirements. PACKAGING KIT PACKAGING: The product shall be furnished in the specified kit size quantities packaged in the manufacturers original, separate containers and in accordance with normal commercial practice. There shall be no interaction chemically or physically with the contents so as to damage the containers or alter the strength, quality, or purity of the contents. Such packaged ingredients shall be further packaged or assembled together as a complete unit in kit form. The filled containers and kit assembly shall be closed in a manner that will insure the contents will not spill or leak from the containers and that separation of the components will be prevented during shipment, handling, storage, and redistribution. PACKING PACKING: Material packaged as specified above shall be packed in a close-fitting, corrugated, fiberboard box conforming.We expect to receive your quotation as soon as possible. We look forward to reply sealing compound Clorox wipes