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I am in need of a box, bag or purse-type package to retail product. It needs to close or seal in a way that the consumer can reopen and reclose it to review prior to buying. I would like something that has a lace-up corset on the front, either real ribbon or cording, or drawn on. The retail item will be fabric and relatively light. Preferably I would like the box/bag/purse to be pink with black lace-up. It could also be a frosted plastic. Either paper or plastic is fine. The size would need to be about the size 3 x8 x8 . My phone number in the US is 757-581-2961 and my email is *****This is for a very upscale product for the packaging must be very regal. Thank you, Victoria Rickman unique design, lace-up or corset, open-close fabric, ribbon, trim, packaging, sewing supplies, product manufacturing