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Dear Sir, We wish to introduce ourselves as an importer/agent of raw materials required by Steel Plant and Foundries. . We are marketing Pig Iron of M/s Jayaswals NECO Ltd. and M/s Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd. who are major producer of Pig Iron in India.We have manufacturing unit for coal dust powder and lustrous carbon powder required by foundries. We also have our mines for Lime Stone & Dolomite at Hiwardara near Wani, which is about 180 Kms. from Nagpur. We have our Coke Oven Plant in Raipur for manufacturing of low ash metallurgical coke of capacity 0.12 MTA, Cement Plants in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. We have office and godown at Nagpur , Raipur , Hyderabad , Kohlapur and Rourkela.We are regular importer of Low carbon Ferro Chrome, Ferro Silicon, Ferro Silicon Calcium, Nickel Plate, Ferro Molybdenum, Innoculants-Ferro Silicon Based and Barium Based, Ferro Silicon Magnesium, Manganese Metal, Ferro Boron, Fluorspar, Ferro Phosphorous, Carbon Addictive, Chromite Sand.Apart from these we are regularly buying High-Medium-Low Carbon Ferro Manganese-normal and low phosphorous, Silico Manganese, High Carbon Ferro Chrome, Aluminium Shots, Graphite Powder, Steel and ***** Shots, Ferro Vanadium and Ferro Titanium.Kindly indicate specifications of the materials being offered by you along with taxes, freight and conditions.Regards, For, M/s Shree Bajrang Sales (P) Ltd, Mr.S.K.Bhartia(Director)Mob: *******632Fax:0712-*******(O) 0712-*******/85/86, ******* low carbon ferro chrome, india Low carbon Ferro Chrome,Ferro Silicon,Ferro Silicon Calcium,Nickel Plate,Ferro Molybdenum,Innoculants-Ferro Silicon Based and Barium Based,Ferro Silicon Magnesium,Manganese Metal,Ferro Boron,Fluorspar,Ferro Phosphorous,Carbon Addictive,Chromite Sand