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Freewheel oneway clutchesStandard / Indexing sprag type clutches are supplied with / without bearing support / inner ring, dully oil / grease filled, ready for installation, for better indexing accuracy, inner ring & bearing support is a must. Centrifugal lift off sprag type clutches are supplied without bearing for backstop, where high speed overrunning function required .Roller type clutches are supplied with Or without bearings, for light / medium torque transmission.Keyless Transmission Element Though apparently seems simple but is one of the difficult machining operation, increase in cost due to various operations involved in a preparing key ways- xxxxx setting & down time + machining time. Lateral shifting of key ways in process, also it is extremely difficult to set the center line of the keyway exactly symmetrical and parallel with respect to the radial plane. Heavy torsional stresses are concentrated at the corner of the keyway so shaft is weakened. Deviation in width, paralliasm to the axis, inaccuracy in key, is also affect.Torque NutsTightening a bolt having an elastic stretch, which keep the bolted assembly well-fixed in position. If the distance between bolt head and nut is less, the elasticity is insufficient. The way to improve a elasticity of a bolting system is by the use of our proven bolting system called TENSIONER NUT or BOLT assembly - direct replacement of standard hex nut or bolt - simple mechanical element, easily tightened by help of standard wrench / tool resulting insignificant reduction in time and manual labor, while assembly, disassembly and reassemble of connections. Considerably reduce required tightening torque for main bolt / stud due to distribution of torque on multi clamping screws. freewheel, taper lock, torque nuts 4140 HT round bars