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I want to buy initially, at least a thousand branded Playstation 3, due to be released in November, ready for the Christmas market and ready to distribute through the UK and Irish markets.I need them compatible to the UK and Irish Markets, with english language, and operational criteria.I am also interested in all Playstion 2 and 3 games and accessories including wireless controllers and virtual reality glasses, compatible with PS3, surround sound systems and all other accessories.Please supply me with costings including shipping FOB and FOC and of course availability and dates of earliest shipment I can expect.Please also confirm, how quickly after the initial shipment you will be able to fulfill another repeat or increased order. It is imperative I receive all information urgently I have orders to fulfill and expect massive repeat orders.I am happy to deal in US Dollars by direct bank transfer. So please also supply your own requirements.Warm regards,Jacqueline Grey playstation 3, branded, accessories skincare