Company Name | Shenzhen Chuangan Security Electronics Co., Ltd. |
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Year Incorporated | 2008 |
Total Employees | Approx 70 Employees |
Major Selling Products | Magnetic contact, door contact, panic button, siren strobe, detector |
Contact Person | Ms. Eva jing |
Country | China |
Province / State | Guangdong |
City | Shenzhen |
Business Address | songgang town creek, head of the third industrial zone of 10 on the second floor of the building the second, Guangdong, Shenzhen, China |
Zip Code | 518000 |
Website Address/URL | |
Business License Number | 91440300674804152C |
Export License Registration No | To Be Provided on Request |
Export License Type | Using an agent |
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