Company Description
Manufacturer and Exporter of Soya Chunk, Soya Chunk, SHIVAAY OVERSEAS, was incorporated in with an investment of . Having an export rate of almost in recent times, SHIVAAY OVERSEAS has been fortifying its network as a significant supplier of Soya Chunk products in different parts of the world. SHIVAAY OVERSEAS has been operating since 2020 Years . The market share of SHIVAAY OVERSEAS is approximately around [over_all_export_marketshare]. However, Oceanic and European markets remain untouched, but the industry is planning to open its doors in the European and Oceanic market. SHIVAAY OVERSEAS is located in NEW DELHI, , India and is a entity with . The industry has been slowly making waves in the export world with its top-quality products and plans to tap some of the most significant markets in Oceania and Europe.
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Year Incorporated | 1970 |
Major Selling Products | Soya Chunk |
Country | India |
City | New Delhi, |
Company Website | |
Contact Person | PRAMOD |
Department | Director/CEO/General Manager |
Designation | Administrative |
Chief Executive Officer | PRAMOD |
Total Workforce | 101 - 200 People |
Certificates | TL9000 |
Buyer Interactions
SHIVAAY OVERSEAS has responded 30% of buyers within 24 hours in past 30 days.
SHIVAAY OVERSEAS average response time in past 7 days is less than 42h.